There are two upcoming workshops in Germany on Constructing the World and related topics. On May 24-26 in Bonn (organized by philosophers from the University of Cologne and held at the Poppelsdorfer Schloss in Bonn), there will be a workshop directly on the book. Just before that, on May 21-23 at the University of Bochum, I am giving the Carnap lectures on some themes from the book ("Structuralism, Space, and Skepticism") and there will be some associated talks. Both events have issued a call for submissions. The Bochum workshop is asking for abstracts of up to 1000 words from graduate students and post-docs, for 20-minute talks. The Bonn workshop is asking for 2-page abstracts from anyone, for 45-minute talks (they're also having some invited papers). The deadlines for both are at the end of this month: March 31. The two conferences are near each other so it should be quite possible to go to both.
There will also be an authors-meets-critics session on the book at the APA conference in San Francisco in two weeks (the critics are Ram Neta, Laura Schroeter, and Jason Stanley), which will be turning into a symposium in Analysis (there'a also a symposium in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research in the works). Lots to look forward to, for me at least.
Some other upcoming conferences I'll be involved include Concepts and Modal Epistemology in Lyon May 13-14, Perception and Concepts in Riga May 16-18, and Reference and Frege's Puzzle in Umea May 31 and June 1 (I'm also giving lectures there May 28-30). Further down the line there will be two workshops on Panpsychism and on Narrow Content in Oslo on August 23-24 and August 25 respectively, a workshop on Modal Epistemology in Lisbon on August 29-31, a workshop on Mind and Attention in Indian and Contemporary Western Philosophy at Harvard on September 21-22, and other goodies to be announced.
Finally, advance notice of two big consciousness conferences for next year. The Tucson conference will be holding its 20th anniversary conference on April 21-26 next year (2014), and many of the major names in the field have already agreed to speak, giving their perspective on the shape of the field 20 years later. (So far all that's online is this Sgt. Pepper-themed impromptu promo video.) The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will be having its first-ever conference in Australia, in Brisbane on July 16-19 next year (I'm giving the presidential address). Coming up sooner, this year's ASSC conference will be held in San Diego on July 12-15.