Yet another new project from the PhilPapers team: PhilEvents, a website devoted to upcoming events in philosophy. PhilEvents has a database of hundreds of forthcoming events. You can search it in many different ways: by subject, by location, and by various combinations of subject, location, and so on. You can use this to set up RSS feeds for searches on subjects and locations of interest.
The database covers conferences as well as covering talks and calls for papers for books and conferences. You can maintain a "My events" lists of the events of interest to you, and use special widgets to display information about events on other websites. To start with, items have been entered manually, but we hope that in the longer term organizers will submit their events to PhilEvents as a matter of course. The site can also be used to store associated information about events before and after the fact -- papers, audio or video, photos, and so on. We hope that this site will be useful both for event organizers and for philosophers who want to find out about and take part in events.
The main credit for PhilEvents goes to David Bourget and his team at the Centre for Computing and Philosophy in the Institute for Philosophy at the University of London. (I played only a minimal role.) Thanks also for the UK Joint Information Systems Committee for a grant to fund the development of PhilEvents, and to Barry Smith at the Institute for Philosophy for support.
PhilJobs is also going strong. The aim of serving as a comprehensive listing of jobs in philosophy seems to be working out: it contains listings for all the jobs in October and November editions of Jobs for Philosophers as well as many listings that cannot be found there. It currently has a database of 420 jobs, of which 292 are the subject of still-active ads.