There will be a workshop on "The Phenomenology of Synesthesia", sponsored by the NYU Consciousness Project, on Saturday November 20. It will be held in the first floor lecture theatre at 5 Washington Place (between Broadway and Washington Square in New York City).
Synesthesia is the syndrome in which a stimulus in one sensory modality reliably yields an experience associated with a different sensory modality. The focus of the workshop will be the question "What is it like to be a synesthete?". There will be talks and discussion from philosophers, psychologists, and synesthetes. All are welcome. The program is below.
9:30 Coffee
10-11 Carol Steen (artist and synesthete)
"Do you see what I see?"
11:15-12:15 Lawrence Marks (Yale, Psychology)
Three (scientific) questions about synesthesia".
12:15-2 Lunch
2-3 Berit Brogaard (Missouri, Philosophy)
"Does color synesthesia differ phenomenally from visual imagery?"
3:15-5 Panel Discussion (led by Jon Simon, Philosophy, NYU)
Panel: Berit Brogaard, Patricia Lynn Duffy, Lawrence Marks, Maureen Seaberg, Carol Steen