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January 28, 2009


Lee Walters

This is brilliant! Thanks very much to all involved.


I've tried to create a user account twice (with 2 different e-mail accounts I have). Both times, when I tried to validate my account, the login failed. I tried signing in repeatedly with both accounts, and it keeps failing. I'm positive that I'm giving it the right password.


Scratch that -- it's working now.

David Bourget

A few users have had a problem with the email validation process. Please try again if you've experienced difficulties. You can request a new validation email using the "lost password" option in the "sign in" menu. Also remember to check your spam folder if you didn't get the email.


A great resource! Thanks
I have just registered there. Everything is fine, except (it appears) that there are some bugs in customization of profiles. I was not able to edit (ff3 & ie8) my profile for a second time and post comments in the discussion forum as of now.

On the *new online papers*, does *philpapers* use the same script of *opp* of Wo? the RSS feeds appear to be similar. Thanks once again.

David Sobel

I've tried repeatedly to register. I don't receive the email with a link to validate my email. I've disabled my spam filter and I've checked both my spam folder and my quarantine folder. I've tried using different browsers. Do you any other suggestions besides "try again." I've tried over ten times.

Daniel Morgan

Thanks for the hard work you guys have put into this!


Everything works fine now. Thanks.

The discussion forum at *philpapers* is a great addition to philosophy in Cyberia. Contrary to typical blog comments, it can be a much-needed, online, open *peer commentary* section like that of BBS as well.

Concepts well executed!

Iram Tauqir

Nobody asked Socrates for a degree or affiliation with some university to be able to seek knowledge or share his understanding of the questions he raised. This is my comment about the 'backgroud' required for opening an account with you.
I belong to Sanjan Nagar Institute of Philsophy and Arts established in 1995 in Lahore, Pakistan. For the past fourteen years we(and the founder of the institute for the past forty years, since knowldge started unleashing about the arin and mind)have been working on acquiring a comprehensive undersanding of the evolution and working of the human mind, not only in the context of the emergence of living things and their evolution but also Nature as whole since before the big bang. I do not know if that makes us eligible to open an account at your website.
There is a lot more i would like to comment on regarding the abscence of an objective behind your initiative of making research and philosophical work on the mind available to poeple on your site; whihc really is a problme with nearly all of the academic work being carried out on mind, or in conferences of mind and conciousness, but i don't know if i am allowed to be that frank


Outstanding stuff. A great resource.I-Phi 2.0.

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