A few new links to sites with online papers. FIrst, and particularly relevant, is the page for the NYU Consciousness Seminar run by Ned Block and Tom Nagel this semester, with a number of new papers on the philosophy and science of consciousness, and more to be added in coming weeks. In addition, I've added some new people to my page of people with online papers (with most of the additions courtesy of Ming Tan, as always). Today's additions include Daniel Bonevac, Mark Sainsbury (with two online books!), and three researchers from the very active LOGOS group in Barcelona: Jose Diez, Mario Gomez-Torrente, and Dan Lopez de Sa. Some other additions in recent months include George Bealer, Cristina Bicchieri, Susanne Bobzien, Radu Bogdan, Emma Borg, Bill Brewer, Herman Cappelen, David Copp, Tim Crane, Naomi Eilan, Evan Fales, Michael Gill, John Greco, Nadeem Hussain, Rosanna Keefe, Angelika Kratzer, Philip Kremer, Jennifer Lackey, Marc Lange, Edouard Machery, Adam Morton, John O'Dea, Samir Okasha, Eric Olson, Graham Oppy, David Owens, Jeff Pelletier, Peter Roeper, Rob Stainton, Stephen Stich, David Sobel, Evan Thompson, J.D. Trout, Peter Vallentyne, and John Worrall. As always, if you know of others who should be on the list, please let me know.
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